Think of the most valuable resource at your disposal. Go ahead, what do you hate wasting the most?
Money? Water? Paper?
Give it some thought.
Most likely, your response was not time. However, your time is the most valuable resource you posses. Let’s think of the time you have left to live as fuel. The younger you are, the more fuel is left in your tank. When your tank is full (or close to it), naturally, you are not worried about running out of fuel. You goof-off, you have fun, you drive a little too fast or maybe just cruise around aimlessly.
However, as the needle begins to inch closer to empty, you suddenly become keenly aware of how much fuel you have left. You know the ride will end unless you go for a fill up. You see, the obvious distinction between fuel in your car and your life fuel (time), is that there is no stopping for a fill-up when your life fuel runs out. To take this analogy even further, you don’t even have a “close to empty” light. Bummer.
You start will a full tank and you go until empty and that’s when your journey ends.
Whether your journey was worthwhile, memorable and enjoyable is entirely up to you. Did you plan the trip well or did you spend most of the time figuring out what to do next because you failed to plan? You are the planner. You are the driver. You have the opportunity to plan or set a direction for this amazing journey we call life. You can choose to wing it and risk regretting wasting your precious life fuel, or you can create a plan and make the most of it.
Now, you may be thinking, “Where do I even begin?” or “Can I have a road map to at least see where I’m going?”
This is where you fill find this blog exceptionally useful. You will find not only the theory which will open your eyes bring the landscape into focus, but actionable plans to help you navigate this previously unseen world.
As Ben Franklin once wrote, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” You only become aware of the value of a resource when that resource begins to run out. When we begin approaching a deadline at work or at school, we become keenly aware of the time left and begin to value this time greater than before. This is why short-term life goals are as important as the long-term. They remind us to make the best use of our time today.
With that, I challenge you to eliminate one activity from your daily routine that you deem wasteful and replace it with one you deem more valuable for three consecutive days. Did you have any regret about the change?
Enormous thank you for your time and chat soon!